I still miss the "
Good Ole Tom" adverts which are endemic of western mass TV. but I sadly couldn't make it out to Umass's race at Mt. Snow (though I heard it went very well, despite the rain).
Bryan had just tuned my bike, so it was shifting again, which is neat, and I figured I really should race it.

IBC's own "Good Ole Thom" convinced me to do the Landmine classic at Wompatuck State Pa

rk on Sunday. It was muddy (apparently the park is colloquially known as "swampatuck") and wet, but it just made it feel more intense in that Under-Armor ad kind of way. At 25 miles, it was the longest MTB race I have ever done, so I found it easier to think in a road riding context bubble, which was popped when Thom told me how long he expected
his (50 mile) race to take, and I realized it would be a long race.
I made my goal finishing ahead of last place in my age group, though after a full speed dive off the bike into a puddle (with the bike going into a tree), finishing became objective one. Ultimately I achieved my goal managing 16th out of 22, though I got nicely banged up in the process..

In the end I was in a world of pain, and covered in mud, but I'd still do it again, it was a certain kind of fun on the whole.
Jesse is continuing his grand trek across the country and seems to be having a fun time.
For this week, we've got some advice from Dr. Steve Brule.
send us your comments
ReplyDeleteI was just hoping for top tizzle too.