This year's 4th of July was in many ways a repeat of last year's, with a bunch of people from Glenville getting together, though this year there were more people and more food, hanging at the esplanade, and watching the fireworks. It was best 4th I ever remember having. I wonder

So it was my birthday on the 7th, and now I'm 23. Doesn't really feel any different.
Versus (née OLN) is on all day at the shop now, for their tourxtravaganzafest coverage of the TDF, and while granted, there is lots of bike racing between the bullriding, fishing, and cagefighting, I'm struck by the strange choices (and resultant implicit viewer demographics) by advertisers during the tour. Cadillac I get, as the CTS is meant to be the europhile's Caddy (and it seems they're actually making the wagon which is cool..though I'd still sooner a 3 wagon), and the bike company ads are logical, but some of the others paint an unfortunate picture. Between

TopGear has started their new season, and so far, it's been up to form, with one particularly tremendous segment involving Ken Block, Ricky Carmichael, James May, one Subaru and one Suzuki in some beautifully composed all terrain gymnastics. You can see it here.
This week's video goes out to Chicagoland people, all of whom are apparently familiar with this ad.
uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh? eagle...........man????