Some sad news on the Africabike Evo, it seems the 1" disc tab equipped rigid fork was a typo, and nobody makes a cheap fork to that spec. If anyone has/knows of such a thing, please let me know, but until then, that project is being shelved. I know IF or Igleheart could do it, but going custom would

New cross bike! I'm getting a Spooky Supertouch, which I decided to get as soon as I rode Marcus's and it was miraculous. This will also be my first SRAM bike, as I rather liked how the Rival stuff on Marcus's bike worked. I'll keep posting progress on the build.
This Sunday I'm going to the MIT Flea market, and who knows what I'll come back with. Last time I got this monkey wrench from the 1940s, and there's all manner of awesome
This week's video is a return to music, with Blur's Clockwork Orange inspired "The Universal", one of several excellent videos from the group.
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